Free Books

Holy Ghosts Book Cover 300x450Everyone likes free stuff. Free cable. Free room service. Free Tibet. Free Willy.

But what’s better than all those things? A free copy of my book, “Holy Ghosts: True Tales from a Haunted Christian College”.

I’ll be hosting a series of promotional events in the near future, when the book will be either free or extremely discounted. For a limited time after its release, the price of Holy Ghosts will go as low as 99 cents. That’s less than the price of a cup of coffee. That’s the sort of spare change you gave to that beggar the other day, when you saw him squatting by the roadside begging so you bent down to where he was squatting and then you realized, Oh no, he’s not begging.

99 cents is nothing. And you can get this chilling, thought-provoking book for that wee sum—if you catch it during the promotion.

How to find out about these freebies and promotions, you ask? I’m glad you asked, Paula. Do you mind if I call you Paula? You probably do, if you’re one of the millions of people on earth who aren’t named Paula.

Anyway, Paula, you can get this book for free if you sign up for my Holy Ghosts newsletter. I’ll be sending out news just once or twice a month to tell you about promotions and giveaways. You’ll also find out about new installments in the “Tiny Staircase Series”, a series of short e-books and novellas about ghosts, hauntings, strange phenomena, and things that go bump in the night.

Just give me your name and email address, and I’ll let you know about upcoming ghostly publications, eerie articles I’ve published, and promos for Holy Ghosts and other macabre books.

Don’t worry, I won’t share your information with anyone else. You won’t be getting any emails about cheap Viagra or Nigerian princes who want to give you their inheritance.